How I’ve Been Spending my Lock-down

Hey everyone^^ It’s been a little while since I did a catch up here, so I’ve got a lot to cover!I’m not entirely sure where to start. As much as I’ve been up to a lot of different things, I’m also still in a pretty strict lock-down so not a lot has changed eitherI live in Wales which is currently following a separate lock-down path than the rest of the UK (As frustrating as that is, I also understand why^^”)During this period, I’ve been doing everything I can just to keep motivated and productive! (I have many off days too though)

My Health and Fitness

One of the main things I’ve been focused on recently is my health. I don’t want this lock-down to be the reason I slip up and gain a load of weight again, so I’ve created myself a routine that I’m really trying to stick to^^”

For those who haven’t been following my Bullet Journal Posts, here is a picture of my workout routine for this month. I like to change it up each month so I don’t get bored^^

My goal isn’t just to lose weight either, I’m trying to gain a little more strength and endurance too! I want to be in better shape overall, physically and mentally^^ I’ve even included Meditation and Yoga to my routines now! (I’ll be writing about how Meditation and Yoga can be super beneficial soon too, so look out for that!)

I Completed one of my Courses! ^^

In order to keep productive, I’ve been trying to get as much of my course work done whilst I have a good chance to. When I bought my TEFL course, it came with 2 extra courses for free. Mindfulness for Individuals and Mindfulness for Children. These two extra courses help you learn how to incorporate mindfulness into teaching and how it can make learning easier, less stressful and a lot more fun!^^

I finally completed the Mindfulness for Individuals one last week, I feel like I’m starting to make a lot more progress and I’m no longer half as behind as I have been for the past few months^^”

The Mindfulness for Children course is a little shorter than the Individuals one, so I’m hoping to finish that one next, then I only have the TEFL course left to complete which I’m not too far off completing either!^^ (I only have 1 month left to complete them, so wish me luck!^^”)

I Finally have some Savings! which are about to Disappear…

I think it’s safe to say that before this lock-down began, I was spending maybe a little too much money on going out drinking on the weekends (and sometimes weekdays^^”) I still have a couple of drinks every now and then, but from home now. I’ve actually managed to start some savings which may completely disappear again next month, but for good reason!

Ever since the day it got released I’ve wanted to buy the Animal Crossing Ltd Switch and although it’s going up in price at the minute, I may be able to buy it next month! (I’ll finally be able to stop using my partners switch then too!)

I’m still trying to decide if I completely re-start my New Horizons Island when I get my switch, or if I try and transfer my data over. I can’t decide;-;
(I’m so excited to finally buy this though! It’ll definitely be worth being poor again for a while.)

Stay Productive!

As well as everything else I’ve mentioned so far, I’ve also been trying to pick up some old hobbies that I haven’t indulged in for a while. The first being Art, I tried painting again the other week, turns out I’m still a lot better at using pencils than I’ll ever be with paint ^^” But at least I tried right?

There’s a Japanese workbook that I’d wanted for a long time too, to help me learn more. I finally bought it a couple of weeks ago! It’s the first of a set and this one is focused on Hiragana, which I’m getting pretty good at now^^ The book also turned out to be even better than I expected, it’s got so much in it and it’s so easy to follow and learn from. I even bought a Japanese pen to practice with^^
(What better time to learn a new language than now, when we can’t do a lot else! It’s a great pass time^^)

I’ve also been trying to read a little more, catch up on some Anime and Netflix series and I’m hoping to get a new cosplay soon too! There are always things you can do to pass the time, so make sure you try to stay productive!

Stay Safe ~

I know a lot of people are starting to get fed up with this lock-down, I see a lot of people still breaking the rules every day. Try to remember this will never really end if we don’t learn to follow the rules given to us to stay safe and control the virus

If you keep productive and stay positive then this will all be over with before you know it^^

Thanks for stopping by, I look forwards to sharing more with you all^^ Stay safe ❤

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