A Lack of time and Excess of Inspiration

I love working on my blog, I really do, it’s something I find a lot of pleasure in doing for a variety of reasons that I’ll get into another day. I have no plans to stop with my blog whatsoever but, Its a lot harder to keep up with all of this and my university work at the same time then I thought it’d be(I’m not sleeping nearly as much as I should be^^’). I’ll be continuing to work on things as I have been so far but that also means I’m going to continue to be late on things (oops, sorry).

The work I’ve been doing whilst working towards my degree has been incredibly inspiring, I suddenly have so many more things I want to research into and write about, so many different types of writing I want to do! – I have a plan for a piece of writing that I think could make an interesting book one day, but for obvious reasons, I just don’t have the time right now. I also have a newfound interest for poetry, I often find myself writing mini poems in my head whilst I’m doing about my day; I also question if that would be something worth adding to my blog?

Would anyone be interested in sharing some poetry?^^

2 thoughts on “A Lack of time and Excess of Inspiration

  1. I find that having the lack of time does help increase my desire to write. That helps when I’m feeling the writer’s block, because once life gets busy, suddenly all I wish for is for the time to write. Wishing you the best!

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