Time flies.. when you have only a little more to do.

So, I realise It’s been more than a few weeks since I last posted. I have actually been rather busy (sadly not with hoards of freelance work)

I’ve actually come to learn that it’s oddly difficult to fit freelance work in with my life and my current job, it’s still something I’m working on trying to organise all together – as I would really love to be able to earn enough to leave my job one day.
I have still been applying to jobs on Fiverr daily and actually been getting some responses! I’ve actually had (and completed) 2 jobs in the past couple of weeks and so far this month, earned double what I did last month. (which really wasn’t hard if I’m honest) Last month – in May, I earned a whopping £6.65! ($8) and this month, I’ve earned £19. Yes I know, it’s really nothing fancy, I’m really not earning the big bucks just yet, but I think If I can keep earning a little more each month then I’ll really start to make some progress!

Aside from the Freelance work, I’m also trying to get back into writing and publishing my own music again. Which for me right now – requires a lot more effort sadly. First of all, I need a new flat. I’m in the midst of trying to move right now to a place with enough space to have a small recording set up (my current flat is basically a shoe box – really not designed for any sort of work) So the whole process of trying to move is certainly taking up a lot of my time. as well as my hours in work over the summer period.

Sooo.. Back to the freelance work for a moment.
I’ve really been getting some strange job offers (one of which I really did have to reject) It’s interesting what some people are willing to pay for to get done. Recently I wrote lyrics about Sonic the Hedgehog – that was certainly an interesting one. But hey – I got paid for it, so no complaints here!
I did have the quite typical job of recording a voice over of a script too, which was actually quite pleasant to read – I actually really enjoyed that one!

I feel as though I should stop this rambling mess of a blog post now, but I did really need to do some sort of update – especially if I want to keep all this up!

Thanks again for stopping by though ^^