Time flies.. when you have only a little more to do.

So, I realise It’s been more than a few weeks since I last posted. I have actually been rather busy (sadly not with hoards of freelance work)

I’ve actually come to learn that it’s oddly difficult to fit freelance work in with my life and my current job, it’s still something I’m working on trying to organise all together – as I would really love to be able to earn enough to leave my job one day.
I have still been applying to jobs on Fiverr daily and actually been getting some responses! I’ve actually had (and completed) 2 jobs in the past couple of weeks and so far this month, earned double what I did last month. (which really wasn’t hard if I’m honest) Last month – in May, I earned a whopping £6.65! ($8) and this month, I’ve earned £19. Yes I know, it’s really nothing fancy, I’m really not earning the big bucks just yet, but I think If I can keep earning a little more each month then I’ll really start to make some progress!

Aside from the Freelance work, I’m also trying to get back into writing and publishing my own music again. Which for me right now – requires a lot more effort sadly. First of all, I need a new flat. I’m in the midst of trying to move right now to a place with enough space to have a small recording set up (my current flat is basically a shoe box – really not designed for any sort of work) So the whole process of trying to move is certainly taking up a lot of my time. as well as my hours in work over the summer period.

Sooo.. Back to the freelance work for a moment.
I’ve really been getting some strange job offers (one of which I really did have to reject) It’s interesting what some people are willing to pay for to get done. Recently I wrote lyrics about Sonic the Hedgehog – that was certainly an interesting one. But hey – I got paid for it, so no complaints here!
I did have the quite typical job of recording a voice over of a script too, which was actually quite pleasant to read – I actually really enjoyed that one!

I feel as though I should stop this rambling mess of a blog post now, but I did really need to do some sort of update – especially if I want to keep all this up!

Thanks again for stopping by though ^^

One job down, and again: Nothing to continue

So, as you all know. I managed to get my first job not too long ago.
How did it go you ask? – It went okay. Just okay.

It was my first try so a bit of failure and struggle is to be expected. The person I was working for was very understanding and patient so I have no complaints there. I do doubt that they will come to me again for more work though, which is obviously slightly frustrating. But then again, It was still a job! I got a review, and made myself a mediocre 8 bucks: So in all, I’d still say its a job well done and still worth it.

Since I’ve been trying voice acting work, I have been having some mixed feelings on it. I prefer my music, I can’t really see myself pursuing a career with voice acting (Unless it was to dub anime!) But yeah, I’m more of a musician

On that note, I’m now again looking into more music options for myself (as well as keeping my options well open for freelance work on Fiverr.)
I’ll be writing more about my plans for the music side of my freelance work in my next post! ^^ So do make sure that you come and check that one out too!

So yes, my conclusion of the past two weeks, the work is frustrating, getting the work is still as difficult as ever, I know it’s going to take a lot longer and a lot more to get where I want to and earn enough to pay my bills of this freelance work.

I do apologise for the sloppiness of this post but sadly my shifts at my current job are all over the place and finding time to do this, is indeed incredibly difficult

On that note, I must leave for work again now (Wish me luck ^^”)

Thanks again for stopping by ❤

GOT ME A JOB (kinda)

OKAY so quick update for anyone who’s following this and is interested.

The guy who responded to me, that I mentioned in the previous entry picked me!!!!, I’m actually super excited. He said he liked how my voice sounded! I don’t know when I’ll be starting this work, but the fact I actually managed to get one job is a big celebration ^^ it means I’m actually starting to get somewhere, which has actually been taking up so much damn effort.

This job is in fact going to be a new experience for me, I’ll be reading educational scripts. If I do well on the first one, I’ll possibly be doing up to 18 of them which is pretty cool to be honest.
(Guess I’m gonna have to set up a proper vocal booth soon!!)

So another thing – Thanks to actually getting this first job, it’s giving me slightly more motivation to try and do more things with music again. I started playing Piano again this week! ^^ I’m currently working on a song that I’ll be posting on my Youtube in the future (Don’t worry, I’ll be posting about that whenever it’s done) I’ve also been trying to make an effort to get back into finishing a song I started writing a few months back, so hopefully I’ll make some more progress on that too!

I wanted to leave this one relatively shorter, but I’m gonna end this with another quick note:

Freelance work is hard to get. You’ll get some in time if you just keep applying, just don’t give up too easily!! ^^

2 weeks, 30 applications and 1 response.

So. As you know, finding freelance work is the worst thing ever.
I’ve been applying for jobs daily, on both up-work and Fiverr and it really is funny how unlikely it is to get hired when starting. Like, seriously – it’s amusing.

Something that I’ve discovered from applying for several different jobs, is that you really have to be willing to go a little outside your comfort zone. Going for different jobs you might be a little more unfamiliar with. I’ve started applying for editing for podcasts, or even recording for audiobooks or scripts. There seems to be a lot more of those sort of jobs then what I’d usually go for, so I decided to give them a go.
after about 2 weeks, I actually got one response. Honestly – I was more excited then I thought I’d be just from having a response. After all the time and work put into trying to find a job, it’s extremely fulfilling to actually be noticed.

Now the funny thing about freelance, is that you’re using your own supplied equipment. which in some ways, can definitely go very wrong. I lost my Macbook charger on the day I said I would send this guy a sample for the job I applied for. It was probably the MOST frustrating thing ever – Like seriously. I have never been so frustrated. I looked everywhere in my flat and just couldn’t find it. and I really wanted to send this sample as soon as I could in case this guy found someone else.
So yeah, I’ve now learnt I’ve really got to be careful with any equipment I need for the jobs I’m applying for. And to not lose my Macbook charger. Ever.

After some time and some giving up, I bought a new charger which was delivered the next day and finally recorded the sample. He had me read a sentence from an educational text as an example of what sort of work I’d be doing for him.

It was really weird. It was my first time recording myself just talking, it was most definitely a new experience.

Anyway, I’m going to stop rambling through this entry as I have some more work to go and do. Plus it’s 2am and I’m tired – oops.
I don’t know if I’ll get this job, but wish me luck everyone! ^^

Thanks for stopping by~~

Right so, it’s really really hard

Okay sooo – hey there everyone! I’m a musician and a music producer. I’ve been on and off working on music stuff whenever I have the time away from work. (which isn’t as much time as I’d like)
Recently, I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to make a money from what I do.

  • I can produce music
  • Mix a track or any audio
  • General Audio editing (like for Podcasts maybe
  • I can make sound effects but I’m not as skilled on that one
  • I can write lyrics and melody’s

Just a lot of different producer stuff really. So whilst I can make money from selling my own tracks right now, since I don’t have all the equipment I need to record my music to a standard I’m happy with, I thought ‘What else can I do with my skills?’
Freelance work!

I’ve signed up on a couple different sites, they’re all actually strangely different. I’m not sure which is my favourite yet, or which I consider the easiest to use. I’ll write about that one in the future; once I’ve spent more time using them all.
So far I’ve been applying to several different jobs every day.

It’s been a week – Nothing.

The tedious thing about these freelance websites is that, it is harder to start off in. you get levels, reputation, ratings and of course once you’re just starting – you’re at 0 on everything,

No one wants to hire from the bottom right?
So figuring out how to promote yourself seems to be the biggest thing in order to get any work. You really need to figure out how to appeal to people more than someone with a 5 star reputation… Yeah, it’s really hard.