~ Bullet Journal 2021: January Spread ~

Happy New Year everyone! I know we’re about halfway through January now and I’m (once again) late on posting this… BUT I’m still just as excited to share this with you all!^^
I’ve taken a different approach to a lot of my designs and layouts than to what I used throughout last year – I’d love to hear your opinions!

You’ll also notice that I’ve used a lot of Washi tape in my journal this time (This year is my first time using Washi tape!^^) I wanted to be able to keep my journal looking colourful whilst having little time to decorate it, so I’m trying out the tapes.^^ So far I really like how its been turning out.

Cover Page

So throughout last year, I used the same sort of layout for my cover pages (always having the title in the same place etc.) This year since I’ve recently started working with watercolour pencils I decided I’d try out some different styles for the cover pages!


Last year I had the calendar on a single page and the second page for events and goals for the month but I very rarely used them. I decided to use up more of the space for the calendar this time and a much smaller box for goals and events. I’m hoping that by having a larger calendar I’ll be encouraged to use it more to keep on top of due dates!

Mood Tracker

Now, I know I already have a pixel year mood tracker in my yearly spread, which I mostly managed to keep up with throughout last year. But I’ve been seeing so many fun monthly mood trackers designs and really wanted to start trying them out!^^

Habit Tracker

I have a habit of changing my habit tracker layout fairly often (and I’ll probably end up continuing to do so!) but I do like how this one turned out after I’d coloured in the box for the name of each habit to match the colour I’ll use to cross them off^^
(I’ll add a picture of it coloured in next time!)

Daily Gratitude log

One of my aims for this year is to try and be more positive and appreciative as much as I can!^^ I figured the best way to encourage that would be to challenge myself to name something I’m grateful for everyday^^

For each day I can successfully name something I’m grateful for, I’ll also be colouring it in (hopefully by the end of the month it’ll be colourful!^^)

Adulting Challenge

This is an idea I came across whilst browsing through Pinterest one day, I thought it could make some common chores a little more fun.^^

I’ve added colours to the shapes and listed a few jobs I need to keep up with more frequently (Like watering my plants!) by the end of the month I’m hoping it’ll look like a fun Tetris game^^

Blog Planner

One thing I’m awful for is writing and publishing posts a lot later then I’d like..^^” Uni taking up so much of my time currently certainly doesn’t help, but, I’m hoping that this Blog planner idea I found (again on Pinterest!) will motivate and encourage me to make more of an effort with my blog!^^

Work to-do Log

I’ve had this work log since some time last year, In fact, it’s one of the few things that I haven’t changed yet! I don’t really have much to say about this one, it is as it looks, a to-do list of uni work and blog work for the month.^^

Budget Tracker

It’s always handy to have some kind of Budget tracker and this time I designed my own one to keep track of my spending and savings!^^

I’m not the greatest with handling money but I’m also not the worst! Hopefully the more I use budget trackers the better I’ll get at it^^

Brain Dump

This simple idea is probably one of my favourites this month. I come up with a lot of random ideas at very random times, so having somewhere to jot these all down in one place each month might just help me piece together my ideas!^^

Weekly Spread

Last year I used the same weekly spread layout every month. This year, although I’m not sure if i’ll use the same design throughout or try new ones (probably try some new ones!) but I’ve started the year with a new one: much simpler and easier to draw out.^^

End of Month Review

I failed to fill in my end of review most months last year and I think that was because I had too many things to fill out. To keep it a little less overwhelming I created a new one with less, hopefully I’ll start being able to look back and reflect on my month.^^

I’m really happy with how my Bullet Journal for this year has been coming along so far and I hope it provides you with a little bit of inspiration for your own!

Thanks for stopping by~^^

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